1. Begin in Mountain (or standing) pose, take a deep breath in, and experience the power of stability & security. Exhale and experience the tranquility of the mountain as you say... Namaste (I salute the Light within).

2. Breathe in and bring the arms up into a skyward extension, with the hands together and let your spirit soar!  On the exhale, reach to the left to transform yourself into the crescent moon.
Inhale into the upward extension again, and on the exhale reach to the right re-forming the crescent moon and balance the left and right hemisphere of the brain.

3. Breathe in and step wide with the toes pointing out and knees bent with back straight while bringing the arms into right angles with the palms facing the ears.
Exhale as you form the upward facing crescent, the sacred chalice of life.

4. Inhale and straighten the legs and extend the arms out into a T-square.
Exhale as you experience a sense of infinity.

5. Inhale as you bend to the left and reach for the left ankle or floor, while reaching the right arm to the sky.
Exhale as you reach toward your highest aspiration.

6. Inhale as turn downward over the left leg brining the right arm down and grasping  the hands  above the left ankle and bracing the position with the arms, extend the spine forward while gazing slightly upward.
Exhale as you make your vision a reality.

7. Inhale as you carefully guide the right knee down to the mat (remember to use a pad if you need some cushion) the left knee is bent in a deep lunge as you balance and lift both arms skyward at the sides of the ears.
Exhale as you become the peaceful warrior.

8. Inhale as you straighten the legs and bend forward reach the hands toward the earth directly under the shoulders, for a forward fold at the hips. 
Exhale and become one with mother earth.

9. Simply repeat the sequence in the reverse order to complete positions #10-17.

10. Repeat entire sequence leading with the opposite side.

---- Yogi Rolf VanAnders

Beautifully guiding you in your yoga practice.
Moon Salutation Series
The Moon Salutation series in yoga, also known as "Chandra Namaskara," is a series of interconnected postures that pay tribute to power of the moon and its particular influence on the earth and our lives. Performing the Moon Salute can help to develop strength, flexibility, balance, creativity, fitness and health. The Moon Salute can be a ritual of transformation that brings the conscious and subconscious mind into a state of harmony and inspiration!

Moon Salutation is classically practiced in the afternoon, evening and night when the moon is in ascendency, but the sequence an be practiced anytime of one's choosing as it comprises a full body workout. The Sun and Moon Salute can be combined for a comprehensive yoga practice. (see Sun Salute)
Rolf VanAnders is a yoga teacher, poet and artist with over 20 years of experience offering classes, workshops and individually guided training sessions in the New Orleans area.
Always exercise carefully, and consult your physician before beginning this or any exercise program. Please be aware that any type of physical exercise could cause injury, YogamatART cannot be responsible for any injuries that may occur while using this product. Namaste!
©2011 YogamatART
Yogamat ART

Moon Salutation peel and stick fabric label; 11 inches x 3 inches.